Tidak Berpuasa Kerana ADHD?
15 hours ago
last month before Ramadhan pi outing outing jalan jalan perabih peluh.. singgah ler makan kat umah encik Kenny Roger's...test rase die punye menu cheesy macaroni..sedap giler kentang punye sedap woh. kalu ade duit banyak nak je tapau segantang bawak balik...takpe next time pi lagi nak makan lagi banyak banyak. teheee
golden pasta garden kurang enak!
tapi.....tibe tibe ade naluri nak terai buat sendiri pulak...agak agak boleh menjadik ke tak macam brand kennyrogers...huhu
setelah men-google google, terjumpe recipe simple nih. bile nak terai taktau lagi..tapi akan set as next target for my menu. aja aja! fighting! yeah!
Cheddar Cheese 1 block - parut halus
3 sudu marjerin / butter
2 cawan susu fresh milk atau low fat milk ( susu cair )
2 sudu besar tepung gandum - bancuh dengan air sikit, cair-cair
Sedikit garam untuk rasa ( sikit ajer )
10 biji lada hitam bijik (tumbuk halus)
1 paket marcaroni jenis ELBOW ( ada tulis kat paket marcaroni tu )
Cara :
Masuk butter ke dalam non stik pan
Masukkan susu, kacau
Masukkan tepung gandum, kacau rata jangan berbiji
Masukkan lada hitam tumbuk
Masukkan cheese
Kacau pekat atau cair ikut suka citarasa sendiri. Kalau api besar, kuah mudah
Akhir sekali masuk garam dan marcaroni ELBOW
Kalau hendakkan lebih rasa cheesy, masukkan Mozzarella Cheese dalam 2 sudu
besar. Rasa melekit-lekit akan lebih terasa.
asal pegi kenduri mane mane orang kawin jek mesti ade yang bertanye, ain bile lagi..kau bile lagi ain..aini ko bile lagi...nak kad..nak kad.. (sorry sekarang orang main tag2 kat facebook je bro....)
baik baik...jawapan akan terjawab bila sampai masa nya nanti. tapi tak tahu lah bila nak sampai kat masa tu.
jemaah Juma'at sedang khusyuk menunaikan ibadah Juma'at |
pelancong berasa kagum ? |
bas yang ber-rekabentuk baru. ada 3 lajur seat single |
tengok kosmo semalam, pasal koc wanita untuk KTM sekarang. agak menarik artikel tu sebab rase esaited nak komen komen komen sebab dah beberapa minggu dan sudah agak berbulan menggunakan khidmat koc wanita tu rase terpanggil untuk komen secara sendirian berhad ni.
artikel kosmo
teringat mase bawak nawwar (my nephew) jalan2 kat midvalley naik komuter, nawwar tanye, "alang nape takde lelaki ni, nawar je lelaki" dan aku dgn bangga tunjuk dgn jari gambar simbol besar yg betul2 terlekat kt tingkap belakang die. 'Ladies coach'. tapi ade jugak 2,3 org penumpang lelaki dan memalukan jek. kalau tak reti bace takpelah dimaafkan.
same je macam gerabak biase cume tiada penumpang lelaki kecuali bayi lelaki atau kanak2 lelaki sahaje
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beginilah kemajuan sistem KTM sekarang, wanita dah pandai beratur tunggu tren. tapi masih ade segelintir yang takde rase hormat langsung, berdiri betul2 di tengah2 laluan disembark. |
time saya gune koc wanita takde pun dapat badge ini. =.=" |
At a Glance
• Less concerned with quality, may not notice errors.
• Objective, but may appear detached.
• Does not get involve in other's personal problems.
• Faithful, trustworthy and devoted in long-term relationships.
• Does not seek positions of power or authority.
• Concerned with prestige, recognition, rank and reputation.
• Sees people as nice and friendly, not comfortable to wheel and deal.
• Practical, prefers to build on ideas rather than generate them.
• Needs clear and thorough instructions, slow to act when uncertain.
While at Work
Ms AINI is prepared to put in hard work moderately but she may at times prefer to work at her own pace.
Ms AINI is relatively dependable to deliver results on time. She may sometimes be late in meeting deadlines.
Ms AINI generally will persist with work until it is completed but may at times not complete her tasks.
Ms AINI is less concerned with the quality of work. She may be inclined to meet other requirements of her job but is willing to compromise on quality and details. She tends to be careless and cannot spot errors easily. As such, she is not suitable for work requiring high level of accuracy.
Ms AINI is an objective person who is impartial and rational. She speaks factually and often does not involve her own feelings and emotions. She may sometimes be perceived as distant or detached.
Ms AINI is selective in lending support to others. She often remains detached and unsympathetic. Ms AINI may not regard the welfare of another person as the most important aspect of their relationship. She is not likely to want to be involved in the problems of others unless necessary.
Ms AINI is friendly and outgoing when she is with friends although she may at times prefer to be quiet.
Ms AINI is the sort of person who forms long term bonds and attachments. She is faithful, trustworthy, and devoted in such relationships. She tends to be trusting, dedicated and protective towards those she loves. Patriotism and sense of duty is a significant aspect of her character.
Positions of power, influence and authority are not Ms AINI's concern. She does not mind letting others assert authority over her. She is accommodating, laid back and easy-going.
Ms AINI is concerned with position and status. She cares about how people view her. Prestige, quality, rank and reputation are important to her. She is likely to be brand-conscious and would attach significance to status symbols. She takes pride in her appearance.
Ms AINI sees people as friendly, reliable and honest. She is trusting and believes what people say. She tends to be unsuspecting of people.s behaviour and motives. She is uncomfortable when she has to wheel and deal.
Ms AINI's leadership qualities are moderate and she is sometimes able to get the support of people.
Intellectual matters do not interest Ms AINI. She is more concerned with practical issues than abstract theories. Ms AINI prefers to talk about useful and workable solutions than discuss hypotheses and concepts. She is more likely to build on ideas rather than generate them.
Ms AINI puts in effort to plan ahead some of the times. She may at times not be as detailed in her planning.
Ms AINI is generally able to express herself although not to a high degree of eloquence.
| RELATIONS | ||||
A | Hard Work | 15 | D | Affection | 8 | |
B | Time | 15 | E | Empathy | 10 | |
C | Finish Job | 12 | F | Sociability | 14 | |
P | Good Work | 9 | G | Loyalty | 20 | |
| ||||||
| THOUGHT | ||||
H | Dominance | 10 | L | Abstraction | 10 | |
I | Status | 16 | M | Planning-Organizing | 15 | |
J | Politics | 10 | N | Exposition | 14 | |
K | Leadership | 13 | O | Tolerance Ambiguity | 9 |
Wahai pemilik nyawaku
Betapa lemah diriku ini
Berat ujian dari Mu
Kupasrahkan semua pada Mu
Indah nikmat sihat itu
Tak pandai aku bersyukur
Kini ku harapkan cinta Mu
Mengalir berzikir di kidung do’a ku
Sakit yang kurasa biar
Jadi penawar dosaku
Terlihat semua yang Kau beri untukku
Ampuni khilaf dan salah selama ini
Ya Illahi Muhasabah cintaku
Lindungiku dari putus asa
Jika ku harus mati
Pertemukan aku dengan Mu